Make notes of your obser­vations Special nature moments


The perfect complement to the sit spot, but also combinable with any excursion into nature, is nature journaling. All you need is a piece of paper, a notebook or a drawing pad, a pen and, ideally, some bright-coloured colouring pencils or crayons. In this way, you can jot down exper­iences and obser­vations not only in words but also in drawings. And don’t worry: you don’t have to produce a perfect work of art. Everyone can sketch or paint something! And the nature journal is not intended for anyone other than yourself, so it doesn’t matter what it looks like.

Our tip: The most important tip for journaling is to switch off and not think too much about what you’re doing. Just let your thoughts and creativity run free and make a note of whatever comes to mind. An unusual sighting, the silhouette of a tree, the onoma­topoeic description of a bird call… A great way to preserve all the small and great wonders of nature in a special way and be able to recall them any time you like.